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Ghost slime

Ah, the mysterious ooze that has puzzled scholars, ghost hunters, and the occasional unlucky janitor—ghost slime! Now, you might be thinking, “What in the ectoplasmic world is ghost slime?” Well,…

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Fine motor practice

Ah, fine motor practice, the unsung hero of dexterity! If you ever envied a squirrel’s ability to dismantle a bird feeder with the precision of a tiny, furry Houdini, thank…

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DIY heart model

Oh, the human heart, that thumpin’ thumpity, perpetual rhythm machine nested inside our ribcage. It’s not just the star of sappy love songs and dramatic breakups; this cardiac trooper pumps…

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DIY fidget toy

Welcome to the wild and wacky world of DIY fidget toys, the superheroes of the distraction universe! Whether you’re a chronic nail-biter, a leg shaker, or just someone who can’t…

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STEM weather activities

Well, gather around, folks, because today we’re diving into the wizardry of STEM weather activities—where science does a rain dance with technology, engineering gives a high-five to mathematics, and the…

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